Winter Chill...
Short wedding recap
(2008-06-04, 10:06 a.m.)
I tried to do this last night and Dland was being all wonky....

I got a gold star today at work!! I took a call from a nurse, and he needed a Vasotec drip. So I printed off the label, but as I'm looking at it, the dosage was way high, higher than I've ever seen for a vasotec. I asked Katie about it, and she had never seen one that high either. So she called the nurse back, looked in the chart, and sure enough, it was supposed to be 1.25mg, not 12.5mg. Gold star for me, for possibly saving someone�s life.
Yes, the wedding was awesome! It was a long couple of days, but so worth it. The guy that I walked down the aisle with, Doug, is a nice guy. We were the first to go down the aisle, and as everyone else was walking in, he leans over to me and says, "As soon as he sees her, he's going to start to cry." I agreed, and as soon as he saw her, he started. And as she's walking down aisle, I could see that she was crying too.
The service was nice, maybe about 35 minutes tops, which rocked. Then it was time for pictures. The assistant to the photographer was annoying. After that, it was time to hit the bar, so we all jumped into the limos and away we went. We stopped at the Pub, downed a drink, and then off to the reception. The place was awesome too. I could totally see getting married there. There is a great garden out back with a babbling brook, and a bridge over the brook. Very pretty.
And the food was delish! The wedding cake was three different layers, chocolate, vanilla raspberry, and lemon. The only thing that I thought was a bit small, was the dance floor. When we were out doing the bridal dance, the floor was pretty well packed with all 11 couples. But that's not a big
Well, I've got a somewhat busy day today. I have to go get my check, since it wasn't there yesterday when I stopped by. And I have to do laundry!! I'm getting low on scrubs, and since it's my weekend to work, I won't have time to do anything then.
And now I'm tired...