Winter Chill...
I don't need another visit like this one!
(2008-08-22, 9:55 a.m.)
I was sitting out on the porch steps last night, enjoying the mild Mid-Michigan evening after I got home from work. Out of the corner of my right eye, I see this black shape walking towards me. There is a pretty large dark tabby tom cat in the neighborhood, so I figured it was just him. I turned my head to say something to him, and it wasn't the tom cat.
It was a freaking raccoon!
Scared the crap out of me. He got about three feet away from me, when he must have realized I was there. He stopped, looked at me, backtracked a bit, seemed to be walking back towards the rear of the house. Then he stopped and turned around and started walking towards me again. I didn't want to do anything that would scare him, so I just sat there and continued talking on the phone, only increased the volume of my voice just a bit. He wasn't hissing or making any noises, so I'm sure he wasn't frightened, maybe just annoyed that he couldn't go where he wanted to.
So it's got to mean something when you get up close and sort of personal with a raccoon, right? I went to a shamanism guide, and this is what it said about raccoons:
Raccoon's Wisdom Includes:
Understanding the nature of masks
Seeking guidance and confidence
Questioning without fear
Balancing curiosity

I'm very interested to see how things play out over the next few days.
I need to go make some breakfast, and do something constructive.
Oh. Totally forgot to mention. Mom and I went to Michael's yesterday, and they have some of their Christmas stuff out, like the crafty things I use to make my wreaths. I'm going back on Wednesday when I get paid, and I'm going to start buy shit up. They have a really cool bright lime green, chocolate brown, a rusty orange color, pink, and a really cool periwinkle color that I'm going to do this year. I was so in the mood yesterday to be creative!