Winter Chill...
Scrub a dub dub, three men in a tub...
(2008-09-15, 12:19 p.m.)
Is it too early to break out the old Halloween themed scrubs? Mom made me some new tops this weekend, and one had candy corn on it, the other has witches, black cats, brooms and cauldrons on it. Oh and pumpkins and bats. It's verrry cute! The witches are the bright lime green color that I love so dearly, and the back ground is orange. Mom thinks I should wear my green pants with it. But me thinks that I would seriously hurt my co-workers eyes by having bright green and orange on simultaneously.
Speaking of work, it totally sucked last night. It was quiet and slow, and I had to find things to do. I'm so glad tomorrow is my day off. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous, so I'm hoping to get some last minute sun worship in the morning. Looks like this weekend is supposed to be beautiful also, and if I can, I would like to take a drive up north for the day. I don't have to go to far, maybe Houghton Lake or something, just to get out of the house.
I love that autumn is just around the corner!!