Winter Chill...
Wanted: New Job
(2008-09-10, 11:15 a.m.)
I need to find a new job. Not that I don't love what I do, because I do, but I'm getting tired of the company line. Four of us in my department have been singled out because we have tattoos. The policy states that if you have a tattoo, it should be cover up. Not must be covered up, but should be. Well, you know where all of mine are at. The only one that is slightly visible, is the one on the back of my neck. Apparently there are some day shift supervisors that are turning people in for having their tattoos showing. Give me a fucking break. Now granted, I don't work days, but if by chance someone makes a big deal about it, I will have to cover up my sun.
I think some supervisors have way too much time on their hands, if they are worrying about someones tattoos. Go run your department and worry about your own staff. And the kicker, there's someone that's higher up in the food chain that has tattoos on her ankles, how much would you like to bet that she doesn't get written up for it? Let's write someone up for a tattoo, but who cares about the nurse who goes out on break, smokes like a chimney, then comes back in, and covers the smoke stench with perfume. That's two policy violations, but you don't hear about anyone getting written up for that. I told Kim last night, they want to fight about this, I'll dig my heels in and give them one hell of a fight!