Winter Chill...
(2008-09-30, 9:58 a.m.)
How are you?
Did you think I forgot about you guys?
Well, that's not the case, it's just that there has been nothing of significance going on in my life right now. I've been working and that's about it. I do have this weekend off coming up, and I'm not sure what's on the agenda. I believe the weather is supposed to be good, so another drive up north might be in the works.
I went over to mom's last Thursday and helped her plant her flower garden, and my payment was a nutty caramel apple from Bayne's. Oh my, was it ever yummy.
Katiegirl gave me a copy of the new Kings of Leon CD, Only By The Night and it is awesome. I came home last night, put it on my iTunes, and listened to it while I was trying to fall asleep. You should go buy it right now.
Today would normally be my day off, but when I thought we were going to be going to Milwaukee, I traded with Kaelyn for tomorrow, so I have tomorrow off, and work today.
I discovered that a bracelet I have, has a stone in it called larimar . And you want to know the weird thing about it? I have no clue how I got it. The only possibility could be that Jill got it for me when they had their place down in the Virgin Islands. Since I've never been to that part of the world before.
I need to go call da mama...later peepers!