Winter Chill...
I haven't done a meme in a while
(2008-12-14, 12:24 a.m.)
There�s a meme floating around out there, and I was lucky enough to get tagged by BrightOpal. I have to list ten things that I adore, that start with the letter B. It took me all of 5 minutes to think of things that I love that start with B. So, without further ado, and in no particular order�.

1. Butts. Men�s butts for the record. There�s nothing I like more than a guy who has an ass that fills out his jeans.
2. Berries. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries. Nuff said.
3. BBQ�s. Seriously, who doesn�t love BBQ? Ribs, chicken, kabobs, corn on the cob, brauts, man�I�m thinking I should go fire up the grill right now and cook something! Who cares that it�s only 18 degrees outside, anytime is a good time for a BBQ.
4. Board games. I have every Trivial Pursuit edition that has ever been released, so if anyone wants to challenge me to a game, bring it on!
5. Babies. Yes, I�ve never had any of my own, but how can you not love it when you have a baby fall asleep on you? I don�t know how many times Baby Girl and I snuggled and she fell asleep curled up with me. Love love love that!!
6. Books. I love to read, and haven�t done much this year, but that�s going to change in 2009!!
7. Best friends. I have a handful of them, and they have really been there for me this year, and I wouldn�t trade them for anything.
8. Birds. I find so much joy in waking up in the summer listening to the birds outside my windows. I have several feeders that I put out in the winter time too. It�s awesome when I�m outside, and they are hanging out at the feeders talking to me. In fact, we have a hawk that�s living in the neighborhood, I got a couple of good pictures of it the other day.
9. Beauty. I�m talking beauty in the everyday. Doesn�t matter if it�s a cool picture I�ve found on the web, or watching Saeja attack her uncle Kirby. Always puts a smile on my face, and makes me appreciate things more.
10. Bath & Body Works. Who doesn�t like to smell good. For the record, my favorite scents are Japanese Cherry Blossom, Sensual Amber, and Black Amethyst. *Wink wink nudge nudge*
So there you have it, 10 things I love. If anyone would like to do it, leave me a comment and I will bestow a letter upon you!