Winter Chill...
I'm hoping the end is in sight....
(2009-01-06, 1:16 a.m.)
Okay...somewhat of a bitch session right now.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful that dad is getting better, but...he's driving me nuts! Sunday when I was there before work, he was laying in the bed moaning and complaining about everything. "What's the noise out in the hall. My back hurts, will you rub it? (That was said to mom, not me!!) I'm not comfortable in this position. I have to pee..." and on and on and on. At one point in time he even told mom to shut up. That pissed her off.
Well, they finally started giving him morphine for the pain in his back and he's been better ever since.
Tomorrow is my day off of work, and while I really don't want to go see him, I probably should. Although I'm going to call Bro in a bit, and see if he's going to go tomorrow. If he is, then I won't feel so bad about not
I've got my christmas party for the tile shop tomorrow night, that ought to be fun. I really hope I get a decent bonus this year. More cash for the new computer!
And on that note...I think I will go play a little WoW for a bit...last night I hit an achievement, 1000 Honorable Kills in PvP! I was pretty stoked about it. I'm starting to really get into the PvP, oh...that's Player versus Player, for you non-WoW noobs...