Winter Chill...
The move
(2009-01-01, 6:39 p.m.)
Dad got moved from Critical Care on Tuesday, up to the floors, and he was put in a semi-private room with a guy that was in for a drug overdose. So the dude had a bed alert, every time the guy would move it would go off, and wake dad. Yesterday we got him moved into a private room and it's much better. He actually got some sleep last night, and today.
He had three doctors visit him today, and they all think that he's doing better, but there still seems to be some infection in the lungs, so there might be a chance he has to have surgery. Mom is going to call his doctor tomorrow to get the story.
That's about it for now....I'm so tired it isn't cool. I'm so tempted to call in on Monday. I'd do it this weekend, but I don't want to mess up my holiday/overtime pay...
Time for a nap...