Winter Chill...
Guess who's back....sort of...
(2009-06-19, 8:47 a.m.)
As you can guess, I sort of took a bit of a sabbatical over the last few months. I've had some personal issues that I was trying to work out, and writing just wasn't my thing at the time. Hell, I don't even know if it's my thing right now, but I thought I'd give it a shot and see how it feels.
I was getting to the point where it seemed like my life was being consumed by the personal issues, and while I do have a close knit group of friends that I would talk to about it, I didn't want to keep the chaos going here.
Work has been very uneventful, to say the least. I had my job performance review earlier this week, and while I know I shouldn't bitch because I have a job, the raise I was giving was a slap in the face. Makes me not even want to put forth an effort when I go to work. Mom called me yesterday though, and told me about a part-time pharmacy tech job at a local pharmacy, so I sent them my resume this morning. Keep your fingers crossed that something good will come of it. Gee, the only bad thing about a new part time job would be that I won't be able to play WoW at work
May was not a good month for me. On the fourth, I had to have my Fatman put to sleep. He was 17 years old, and had gone into renal failure, so it was time. Broke my freaking heart to do it too. Then, on the 15th, I had to put Crockett down too. He was also 17 and was just old. Those two events, along with the issues with the Boy, sent me into a very unhappy state of mind. I'm slowing coming out of it though.
I had to buy a new desktop back in March. My laptop went all wonky on me. I'm still using it, but it's still not up to par. I love my desktop though. It's an HP Slimline, 4 gig ram, 500 gig hard drive, 22" flat screen monitor. It rocks when I play WoW on it, compared to the laptop. I was able to get all my music and pics transferred, which a good thing. Speaking of pics, here's one of Fatman, and I haven't been able to find a really good one of Crockett, but the one I do have is him and Tyson.
My Fatman....

And Crockett, he's the orange and white one...

And with that, I think I'm going to go play some Vampire Wars on Facebook...not sure when I'll be back, not that anyone has been holding their breath for me... ;)