Winter Chill...
(2009-03-10, 10:37 a.m.)
Well....for those of you who have been wondering what is going on with me, I've been spending most of my time playing WoW. Literally. I was up until 4 this morning playing, trying to hit level 80, which is the highest you can go right now. I'm happy to say, that at 2:05am, I finally reached it on my Druid. Now it's time to level my 66 Death Knight, and 70 Warlock. I also really haven't felt like writing, since there seems to be nothing of importance going on in my life, besides WoW.
My uncle has gone back into the hospital, and I fear that it's for the last time. I saw his orders last night, and at the bottom was written, "Pt is no code", so I get the feeling that my aunt and his doctors don't think he's going to be around much longer.
So that's it in a nutshell for now!