Winter Chill...
(2005-07-26, 11:58 a.m.)
I have a confession to make.

I'm actually a blonde.

For the last...oh say seven years or so, I've been coloring it. I started with going to a medium brunette, and then it went darker and darker, until I finally went with the dark burgundy/red/purple. And I was that color for a good 4 years. And I loved it. Swore to myself that I would never change it. Well about three years ago, I got tired of having to color it every 2-3 weeks. If I waited longer my roots would start to show, and it was not a pretty sight. My friend Allyson is a salon owner, she's been doing hair for close to twenty years. We were talking one day and I told her I wanted to go back to being blonde. So, one saturday in November, I road tripped to her salon and ended up spending close to 6 hours at her place trying to get my hair blonde. Needless to say, it didn't work. I had been coloring my hair for so long, and such a dark color, that all the bleaching was not going to get it out. So my only option was to cut all my hair off...Ummm NO! At the time, my hair was just past my shoulder blades, and it had taken me a while to get it that length. Well, when all was said and done that day, I had a really nasty medium brownish orange thing going with my hair and I was not a happy camper. So ever since then, I have been trying to find a hair color that I like. I did the coppery color tones for a bit, but I still didn't like the "orangey" tones that I was seeing. Everyone else thought it looked good, but I was like "meh". Well, when Nilliem was home, I found a really cool color called Natural Light Caramel Brown. Just the right brown color, and if I want to do highlights, it would look awesome. BUT, with my hair being so dark and orangey tones, when we put it on, it didn't do hardly anything, except where my roots were. So since then, I've been using this stuff called Red Out that I bought from Allyson from before, and I've been shampooing and conditioning with it, but I don't think it's doing much to help. So I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and try to have the hair bleached again, and then colored. If I can at least get rid of the orangey tones, I would be so fucking happy, it wouldn't be funny. Then, from there, try to go with a medium brunette, with some golden highlights. See the thing with my hair, it's one of my best features. Just ask Nilliem. It goes down to the middle of my back, and I have natural wave and it's thick. When it's all done up, kind of reminds me of porn star hair. So anyway, that's the hair situation. If anyone has any suggestions for getting out the orange, drop me a comment or two!

Well, Hot Mark was out the later part of the week with Strep throat, and Mono. Is that shit contagious? The Mono, not the Strep throat. Because if it is, I'd be willing to take one for the team and get it from him!!! Purrrrrrrrr

I had one of my favorite dishes for lunch today. Yesterday, I put some saurkraut, polish sausage, and polish kiebalsa in the old crock pot with a sprinkling of brown sugar and let it cook all day while I was at work, and all night. Oh my freaking god. Total awesomeness.

My boss is gone to a conference until wednesday. He will be back to work thursday. Yeah, so I'm taking it pretty easy while he's gone. Everyone keeps telling me that I can go home, or go hit the mall and do what ever I want while he's gone, and then come back to punch out at the end of my shift. Which is true, but I'm not stupid. If I go anywhere, I would go grab some lunch and be back in a flash. Let's just say that I've learned that lesson the hard way about leaving work for extended periods of times. Which is another story for another day.

Time to get ready for work!