Winter Chill...
Last doctors visit
(2005-07-27, 11:59 p.m.)
Oh yeah...I forgot, how I don't know, to mention my last trip to see my surgeon. I had started out the day, getting some sun, the weather wasn't to hot, so I figured a little color would do me good. I was out for a couple of hours, came back in, had some lunch, and then took a shower. Well, I go to get dressed, I was going to wear my black tank top and jean shorts, thinking that when I was in the chair and he would lean the chair down to take a look at the teeth and chin, he would get a nice cleavage/breastages shot. I know, whore. Well, I go to pick my bra off the floor, and someone, who shall remain nameless, okay maybe not, Peyton, had chewed thru my freaking strap. I had no good black bra to wear. Fuck, I was pissed. Well, thankfully I did have another one in my drawer, but it wasn't as nice and push-uppy as the other one, but it worked in a pinch.
So I'm at the office sitting in the chair kind of dozing when he comes in and says "Hello how are you doing?"
I kind of chuckle and tell him I'm kind of tired. Then he says, "Well I hope it's not because of me." I sat there for a second and thought, it is because of you! You wear me out in my dreams. But I told him that if I was playing euchre with him the previous night, then I could blame it on him. But he said he wasn't and then we talked about playing online for a few minutes while he got me positioned in the chair, but not how I wanted to be positioned!! Anyway, he took of the bandage, said everything was looking good, I have to keep antibiotic ointment on it for 6 weeks for it to heal properly. And if I'm out in the sun I have to put at least an SPF 15 on the spot for a year to keep it from getting either to dark, or staying white. He asked how the mouth and jaw were feeling, and I told him not bad, just occasionally they ache. He took a look, and said everything was healing nicely, and the pain was to be expected. Told me if I have any more problems in the future to let them know and they will get me in for an appointment, and I was good to go. Oh yeah, and as for the "mole" he removed, it was nothing but a funky freckle. It was abnormal because of the size of it, but it was not cancerous in any shape or form. Yeah! Speaking of keeping ointment on it, need to go get some and hit the sack!