Winter Chill...
Back to the grind of work...
(2005-07-20, 12:30 a.m.)
Monday was my first day back to work, and it was not nearly as bad as I was expecting. Tile shop was great, hardly any phone calls or customers. We recently got a new computer, and while I was gone, the correct program was installed and some of the info was transferred. But not everything. Yesterday and today were spent entering bills from the last three months. That was fun. There is still a lot of info that needs to be entered, but she told me I didn't need to come in tomorrow, which is good. The jaw has been killing me today. I think part of my problem is that I have a tendency to clentch my jaw. I'm trying very hard not to do that, but when I'm concentrating, I just do it. When I got home tonight, I took a D@rvocet, we'll see how long it take for that to kick in.

So anyway....yesterday when I got to the hospital, several people were very glad to see me. And I was mostly glad to see them also. The vacation was nice, I figured it out that two weeks is just long enough. One week and it seems like it zooms by, but two weeks was just perfect. I was doing my thing, and was actually away from the OR for a couple of hours. As I was walking into the Anesthesia workroom, Hot Mark was walking in thru the other door. I was, "Hey hun, how are you?" He tells me that he has been looking forward to me coming in all day and he grabs me and gives me a hug........and he wouldn't let go! He told me he was very glad I was back and he missed me a lot! I was a bit blown away by that. He also left me note in my notebook that said, We missed you in more than one way. Hmmmm....let me think about that for a minute...I had some dirrrty thoughts with that one!

So I was talking with Eric today about when he was going to get to my brothers tile job. They are re-doing their bathroom, he installed the floor, a while ago, and they had originally put in a fiberglass tub surround. Well Brother doesn't like it, so back in May, they came in and asked me to help pick out tile for the tube surround, and see about getting Eric to do the job. Eric told them he would do it sometime in June. Well, it's the middle of July, and he actually stood them up last week. Twice. So they are thinking about getting someone else to do the job, which I totally don't blame them. In our conversation today, he told me that he might get to it Friday, but he won't know until he get to the job he's starting tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that he will get it done this week.

Other than that, things have been pretty quiet and boring around here. Since I don't have to work tomorrow, I should get my ass in gear and cut the grass. Since yesterday was the only day in the last two weeks that it has rained, my grass is actually looking pretty dead. Do it tomorrow, and then don't have to worry about doing it again for another couple of weeks.

This weekend is the Antique show here in town. I have to work on saturday at the tile shop, so I might go in the afternoon. The sad thing is, I won't be able to get my big bag of kettle corn this time! :-( But the good news, I will have some free money this weekend to spend if I find something that I absolutly have to have. Like Baby Girl says, I NEED it. Then next saturday is the big dessert party that my parents host, and mom's driving me nuts about it. She keeps bugging me, wanting to know what I'm bringing. I guess I would have to say, ummm dessert! I will figure out what I want to make around next thursday or so.

So the last couple of nights I've had some really funky dreams. Don't ask me about what, I just remember one night, M@donna and her hubby Guy R1tchie were in it. And the next night, Steve M@rtin was in one. Now, M@donna and Guy, I can kind of understand, but Steve M@rtin? He's funny and all, but not the least bit attractive to me. Maybe it was residual Vic@din dreams....

Only two more days until I get to see my surgeon again. I know, it's probably not the most healthiest thing to have the hots for him, but a girl can dream can't she?