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2005-04-14 - 12:44 a.m.

Let the birthday celebration commence! Today I got a frog light and a huge cookie from my friend Allyson, and tomorrow I'm getting a raspberry pie from Sandy! Oh yeah...I love it when the birthday starts early and goes way past the actual date!

I talked to Chris today, he is going to try to let me know what is going on for him this weekend by friday. I figured he wouldn't be able to get here friday night, but it would be nice that he could be here mid-afternoon saturday, so we can go out to dinner. He said that he would fell bad if I had to have dinner by myself. I'm not going to feel bad, I'm going to be pissed if I have to eat alone on my birthday. So get your ass here. It's that easy.

Oh, and I think I got the comment thing figured out. Not sure what I did, but last night I was playing around in there...and must have done something right! Let's see if it really is right......

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