Winter Chill...
Butterflies in my tummy....
(2005-04-14, 12:30 p.m.)
WOW! Normally I don't do more than one entry a day, but today something pretty amazing happened. Tony called me. I know, who the hell is Tony. I meet Tony about 5-6 years ago thru the tile shop. He was working at one of out distributors. So whenever I needed to order something, I would call him, because he was the only one there who knew what the heck was going on. Of course, talking to someone almost everyday, you get to know them, and then you start to flirt with them.....Eventually we meet up in Frankenmuth, that was in the middle of us, for dinner. It was nice, we laughed, talked, just really enjoyed each others company. We always talked about getting back together to do something else, but there was always something on either of our schedules that was interferring. But we would talk at the tile shop and everything was good. Last August, I called to place an order and I was told he wasn't in. Apparently, he went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back! My brain starts going, was he in an accident, did he have to leave the country for security reasons...the list goes on. Well, thankfully he is alive and well, managing a new tile store in Grand Blanc. He has invited me down for some reminiscing and dinner. But, I can't go until sometime in the middle of May! GGGRRRRRRRR!!!

And in other good news, Rory, from another one of our distributors, was trying to find some granite in a specific dye lot for a customer, but it no longer exsists. He called 22 different stores and 4 quarries, and it's gone! He told me I owe him a round of golf, so he has to pick the time and place, and I'm so there! Maybe next saturday after work, I can go to the driving range and whack some balls......