Winter Chill...
Day at the Lake
(2005-07-03, 11:52 p.m.)
I had a fantastic day today! I headed up to Sugar Springs, and it was a really nice ride! I was on the road by 10, after stopping to check my tire pressure, and oil. I just took my sweet time, I was in no hurry to get there, enjoyed the scenery, there was hardly any traffic out. I did get passed by one guy, but other than that, I had the road mostly to myself. When Kristen had called me to give me the directions, she told me that I had to stay on 30 and it just went forever, and she wasn't lying! Then when I got to my turn off, I had to be on that forever also, again, no lie, and then there were three more turns, and every road was a curving this way and that way. There were a few times I thought I was lost, but alas, I found it. It was a nice place. Her relatives haven't built the house yet, so it was four fifth-wheels parked on the lot with these really really nice homes surrounding it. Lisa made the comment that the neighbors don't like everyone coming up there, but to bad! Part of the crew wanted to go fishing, and since I don't have a liscense, I stayed on the beach with Lisa and caught some good rays. They were gone for a good 2.5-3 hours, and brought back some perch, and blue gills. Some of us had lunch, while others went tubeing off the boat. Yeah, I had lunch. Oh and there were no water skis available, so thankfully not skiing for me! Jay and Brian had built a volleyball court, so after a while, we got a game going. It was great, each team had 7-8 people on a side, so we had some good volleys going. After playing for an hour, some of the other kids wanted to go tubeing again, so off they went. By then, I was getting tired, so I packed my stuff up and headed out, and of course, I got lost leaving the damn place. That is one thing I'm so bad at, directions. Like mom said, you should have just reversed how you came in...sure, you try doing that when the roads are curvy, and you have no sense of north, south, east or west. Don't ever get left in the woods with me, because I will be no help to you. When I finally got home, the kids were happy to see me, and I was glad to back in familar territory. Kristen did tell me that I'm welcome to go up anytime, which is nice, but I don't think that will happen without her! Oh, and I have added another thing to my list of qualities I want in a guy; he should want to have a place on a lake somewhere. Doesn't have to be a fancy place, just a place to go and relax. So, including that, he also has to be taller than myself, funny, intelligent, have a motorcycle, and want some space, is that really to much to ask for?

Okay, on the agenda for tomorrow, barbeque at the parents house, and then if the rain will hold off, fireworks show with the Brother, Sister In Law, and Baby Girl. A rather quiet day. Lisa asked me if I would make a ankle bracelet for her, so I will work on that tomorrow.

I can hear the pillows....can you?