Winter Chill...
No title today....
(2005-04-02, 8:14 p.m.)
This is going to be a bit long, so go get a soda and some chips or something.

Back in July of last year, I meet a group of people who share the same spiritual beliefs that I do, Wicca. We had some bumps in the road that need to be tackled, but we got thru them, and things were progressing nicely with the group. In November, there was going to be a dedication by Matt to his patron Goddess, Hecate. Tom, who has been a practicing Witch for seven years, was going to be the circle caster for the dedication and ritual. Unfortunatly, the day it was scheduled, Tom had to work, but it was posted on the group site, and we have someone else who could perform the ritual. When Matt and Kim, his wife, found out that Tom wasn't going to be there, they decided to cancel the ritual and meeting, without consulting anyone else in the coven. Well, Denise, decided that this shit has gone on long enough, because it was the second time Kim had cancelled meetings on her own accord. So Denise took over "leadership" of the coven. Not that she was thinking she was better than anyone else, we just needed someone to take the riegns. At that time, Matt and Kim were notified that this was happening, and Kim was pissed. She was claiming that we were never going to have a meeting, it was just going to be a dedication. Hello, I'm the secretary, I take notes of every meeting, etc, so yes there was meeting that was to happen. Kim is pissed that Denise is taking my side over hers. I also post the minutes on the group site, so you just have to go there and read the freaking notes. It was also decided that Kim would be subject to disciplinary action. Nothing major, just not hosting meeting, and something else, but I don't remember. She was having nothing of that. Then she goes off on Denise about how we, as a group, are just going to fall apart, and she would be a better leader than Denise, NOT!! Matt and Kim decided to break from our coven, and do their own thing. Okay that's great, whatever. I haven't talked to or seen them since all this went down, but Denise still IM'ed with Kim occasionally, and for the longest time, Kim was still bitching to Denise about me. I didn't do anything to her, just took notes, and posted them. But she had a hard on for me for a while.

So what does this have to do now?

I took last night off to go to the Fortune-Tellers Festival in Bay City with the coven. Denise had given Kim the website to the place where it was held, and told her that the coven was going on friday night. Earlier this week, Kim commented that they weren't going to be going. That changed thursday. Both Matt and Kim IM'ed to Denise that they were going to be there, and Denise again repeated that we were going as a coven. Matt and Kim were going to be there early in the afternoon, we were going to get there late afternoon. Good, when we would get there, they should be gone.
Right. They got there at 5 and we got there at 5.30. Apparently, while Denise and Rocky, her hubby, were waiting outside for us, Rocky made the comment that they were waiting for us to get there. Matt gets in a huff, and says to Rock and Denise, "Well, if I would have know those people were coming, we wouldn't have come". You fucking knew asshole. You were told at least twice that we were going as a coven. So when we got into the one room, Matt and Kim said hi to Rocky, Denise, Seth and Tom, and totally ignored Sue and myself. Which I find humor in. Who has time for such petty bullshit in their life? Not me, and that realization is fairly recent.

But we had a good time otherwise. The food there was AWESOME!!!! I had an Italian grinder, and I could barely finish it. I also picked up some more stones for my collection, and a leather pouch to carry stuff in, and a cool sun and moon window sticker for my car. Denise had her palms read, and some other thing done with a feather, Seth had his palms read and an aura picture taken, and Denise, Seth, Tom, and Sue all had Reiki healing done. I wanted to, but there was one person in there, and one in line, and it was almost closing time. But the Reiki woman is going to be there all the time now, so I will go back and get it done. Oh yeah, and when you first got there, you turned in your ticket, and got to take a bracelet from the bag, and each was a different color, with different meaning. You were to tie the bracelet to your wrist and when it fell off naturally, what ever your color was, that meaning would manifest itself. I pulled out pink, which means love. Well see!!!! ;-)

Speaking of love....I had to watch the Baby Girl today. We had a good day. She saw her new outfit and just had to wear it. She looked so cute. Got a picture on my phone, and grandma got one with a regular camera. She hasn't been feeling the best this week, so we just kind of vegged at the house. And watched SpongeBob SquarePants videos. But anyway, the phone rings about 3;45 and it's M, from the "Him I part I" entry a few back. The younger brother who I was interested in way back when. He and my brother are still friends, and he wanted to bring his daughter over to play with BG. I told him if he wanted to he could, we were just hanging out, so they came over and stayed til after 5. I'm not going to read into it very much, at this point in time, but it happened for a reason, and that reason will show itself when it's ready.

Well, Louisville has lost the first game, ;-(, but I'm keeping the fingers crossed for State! Don't forget the time change tonight, my clocks are aleady changed, but it's going to suck to "lose and hour". I should go to bed a a decent hour tonight, but I have a margarita to drink first....