Winter Chill...
Gods are shitting on me!!!
(2004-12-23, 10:50 p.m.)
The Gods are shitting on me today!!!! I knew I should have just stayed in bed this morning. I go to work, not a big deal, very quiet, who wants to buy tile two days before christmas? I have a doctor's appointment at 11.15 to get fitted for my orthodics. Go in, it takes 5 minutes tops, go to leave, oh yeah, I've lock my damn keys in the car! Great. And of course I can't call mom and dad, since this is a competing doctor! So a good friend that I work with was home and came and picked my up and went and got the extra set. Yeah me! Get home, take a nap before it's time to go to job #2.'s a Law and Order Criminal Intent that I haven't back in an hour!!! Wow!! That was a good one! I'm at job #2 and one of the guys asks me to go out for a few drinks after work! Hell yeah if your buying! But I had to come home and get some different shoes, and some know, girlie stuff. Well on the way back to work, I hear this really weird noise...turn down the radio and I'm getting this nasty know where this is going don't you? So I pull into a church parking lot, and I've got a FUCKING FLAT TIRE!!!!!!!! Oh just great!!! I know how to change a flat tire, get my crap out, do what you have to do. So I'm trying my hardest to get the fucking lug nuts off, and they aren't coming off...fucking great. So some numbnuts drives by me in the church parking lot twice and sees what I am doing...AND DOESN'T FUCKING STOP TO HELP!!! Okay...maybe I'm asking to much of the population...but if you see a woman trying to change a tire at 8.30 at night in a parking lot...would it be too much to stop and at least ask if she needs help? So here's a big FUCK YOU to the asshole in the burgundy suburban who didn't stop. So needless to say, couldn't get the tire changed! Yes, I drove the freaking car home on a flat tire. What else was I supposed to do? I get home, call a girlfriend to come and get me and take me back to work so I can punch out and then bring me back home so I can get drunk. Which she does, but I didn't get drunk, cuz if I did this would make no sense at all....which for some it might not anyway. day of the living hell should be over with...I got nothing else...Peace..