Winter Chill...'s a good thing
(2004-12-25, 10:32 p.m.)
What a day! I'm glad it's over with. My allergies really act up when I'm at the parents. It just grinds me....I have had asthma since I was four. They know that cigarette smoke is very bad for me, but they smoke anyway. I know, it's their house, they can if they want to. But as soon as my niece shows up, they go outside and smoke. Okay, since you have already done damage to my lungs, it's okay, I don't mind if my life span has been cut short cuz you have to smoke 3 packs a day. So, it was a great day all around. My best friend was home and I kicked his ass in ESPN football. Yeah baby! But then his brother in law came downstairs and kicked my ass, so the Karma is back in balance again! I got everything that I wanted, and then some. But the funny thing is, I really wasn't all that excited for christmas this year. I don't know why, it has always been my favorite time of year, this time I just couldn't get into it.
So asshat has called me today when I was gone. WTF? Well, being the bitch that I am, I called him back and of course his phone is shut off so I leave a nice message about just getting home from Chris' house, my best guy friend, whom the ex can't stand. I know...I'm hateful, but he deserves it. So tomorrow when he gets his message, he can do a slow burn knowing that I spent time Chris. He got so pissed over the summer when Chris and I went to Harbor Beach for jet-ski racing and spent the whole day hanging out. He is the kind of guy who doesn't want you to have any other friends, but doesn't spend time with you either. He wants you to sit at home and wait for him to show up....WHATEVER, BITCH!!! But enough about asshat.
Oh and on a totally bizarre different front...I had a dream this morning where someone slashed my two new tires!!!! Yikes! Thankfully it was just a dream, but have you ever woke up and thought something really happened? It freaks me out sometimes...Well, it's almost time to go watch MadTV...Later...