Winter Chill...
Snow, Snow, Snow
(2005-01-06, 11:34 p.m.)
Well, thanks to Mother Nature we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-10 inches of snow. Let me tell you what fun I had driving to work today. I understand that everyone has a right to drive what ever vehicle they choose. But just because you have a SUV or 4x4 truck, doesn't mean you can pissy with me in my little Olds 98. Just because you feel that you don't have to worry about the snow on the roads doesn't mean that everyone else is as carefree you are. I'm driving into to work today, and this schmuck in an Expedition is following to close for my comfort. This is down a two lane road. As soon as the road turned to four lanes he buzzes by me and is giving me the Evil Eye. Now, what people don't understand is that giving me the Evil Eye will not only piss me off, but I will curse you as well. Usually I just tell them that they will get a ticket, but occassionally I've been known to wish them to wrap it around a tree. He got the ticket curse, but come on people. When you have 5-6 inches of snow and the roads have hardly been plowed, use your common sense and take it slow. When I get to work, the parking lot hadn't been plowed. Not a big deal, but when it was time to go, I was sure I wasn't going to make it out the driveway. The city plows had come through three times and we has a nice big pile at the end of the driveway.
Coming home was fine, but my road had already been plowed and they were doing it again, so I had a huge pile at the end of my driveway also. That was fun shoveling. I have made a pact with myself, I'm getting a snow blower! No more shoveling!!
Work tonight at the hospital was great!!!! The last OR case got done at 5.00 the crew stayed til 6.00 and then took off, so I had the OR all to myself! Got all my work done and by 8.00 I was working on my cross-stitch! I'm back-stitching right now and that takes time, which I had a lot of!! Other than that, looking forward to the weekend with football. Only one more day....Peace