Winter Chill...
football and dreams
(2005-02-08, 12:13 a.m.)
Okay, I just realized that if you hit the freaking back button to many times, it takes you back to where ever and you lose your entry!!! Not sure why it would do that, fucking thing. As you can guess I had an entry going, and now it's lost in space. Shit, shit, shit. I really don't feel like typing everything over again.
I personally was disappointed in the Super Bowl. I thought both teams play was lackluster, as if they didn't care they were playing in the biggest game of the season. The only good thing about it, I won 35 bucks on the crazy board. Which I really need!! Speaking of the game, asshat called sunday morning and was asking me if he could come over and watch the game with me. Ummmm, let's see, last time I checked, we aren't together. Or he knows something that I don't.
I walked out of the hospital tonight and the parking lot had an orange glow to it. With the warmer weather today, the snow started to melt and we had some really great fog tonight. I was thinking about one of my favorite stories from Stephen King, "The Mist". Read it if you haven't. In fact, the whole book that it comes from, Skeleton Crew is great!
Well, there was something else that I was writing about, but damn if I can't remember. Did I tell you that I'm starting to freak out about my birthday? It's still a couple of months away, but the thought of turning 34 is wigging me out. Haven't figured it out, but I will. I have had two very weird dreams the last two nights....sunday night's was almost like Deja Vu, I dreamt it twice. There is that part in The Matrix where Neo sees the black cat and Trinity, I think, says that there is a glitch in the system, that is how my dream felt. Saturday's dream had me in the english countryside, the streets of New York, and an Irish pub! At least I get around in my dreams.
Well, the cats are causing some ruckus, time to go pay attention the the beasties....Peace