Winter Chill...
(2005-02-09, 11:42 p.m.) I've been feeling very melon-collie lately....Yeah, and I can't spell, so thanks to the Smashing Pumpkins, I think, for their alternate spelling. About the only good thing that has happened the last couple of days is we, my friends from work, are going out next friday to celebrate Tricia's birthday. And we are going to Bay City, which had the highest statistic of binge drinking in the whole state! Go Bay City. I know that they will want to bar hop which is fine, but I prefer to hang out at the bar that my cousin, Art bouces at,no cover charge for me! And his x-girlfriend works there also, and she gives me free it's a win-win situation for me. And as I'm writing this, my cousin from Massachusetts might be home that weekend! Okay, things are starting to look a little better.

Not sure if I mentioned it, but since I did Tara's shower she has invited me to her wedding. Which means I need to go shopping for a wedding gift, and a new outfit! yeah me!

I have to work in the morning, and I had a very busy night at work...let's see, we watched Ameican Idol, then Law & Order. I know, what a life I lead.

For the last two night while I've been on the puter, I've been listening to LaunchCast and they have like 100 different musical genres you can listen to, and I have chosen classical. They have been playing alot of Vivaldi, which is one of my favorites....In fact, I think I will retire with walkman in hand and slowly drift off the sleep while listening to "The Four Seasons". And, for those that aren't familiar, I'm not refering to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons....Peace