Winter Chill...
Staturday's here
(2005-02-13, 12:18 a.m.)
I have to say that today turned out better than I thought it would. Work was actually good. Not to busy, I had a mom and daughter team come in and the daughter was getting her bathroom redone, and she picked out some really great tile. I had called the Bro while I was at work to see if they were going to be home, and they had some errands to run, so when KayKay woke from her nap they brought her to my place. I heard them in the driveway, so I went and stood on the deck and as soon as KayKay saw me, she was yelling," Aunt Sara, Aunt Sara, you are so are so pretty." It was the cutest thing ever. I scooped her up and she gave me big lovens. She was just the little chatterbox while she was here. Now one of her favorite sayings is, "What you doing?" Needless to say, within 15 minutes of being there, the living room was torn apart. Then she moved into my bedroom...I have way to much stuff on my bookcases for little hands to get a hold of. As soon as Todd and Karm came back, she went running and screaming into the bedroom because she didn't want to go. But they had a birthday party to go to.
So for someone who has a computer for playing Mah Johgg and doing the email thing, last night I finally figured out how to download music from a disc onto my puter, and then how to burn it onto another disc. I must say that I'm very proud of that fact. So I've been going through all my discs, and I think tomorrow I will hit mom and dad up for some of their discs.
Tonight I made my spinach and sausage lasagne, and damn if that wasn't some fine tasting food. I used hot sausage this time, and man you could sure tell! Yikes, my mouth was on fire for a bit.
Well that covers it for a bit...I have the Kirbinator giving me the Eye, so I think I shall retire for the evening...Peace