Winter Chill...
Typical work bullshit
(2005-02-15, 12:17 a.m.)
Last night I'm sitting in the living room watching the Grammy's, which were so-so in my opinion this year, and the phone rings. Now it's a cell number that I don't recognize, but I answer it anyway, and it is my friend Christie. Christie works in my old department, Sterile Processing, which I worked in for a year, remember that. She's chatting away and I know that she has a reason for calling....she just doesn't call that often to chat. Finally she asks me about friday night. Now, the job that I do, is basically a glorified stock person. I order and supply the OR and Anesthesia. Not a really difficult job, but a job. On friday night I was done with my work,and went downstairs to see how the girls were doing. Sam had left at 9 when her shift was done, which left only 3 in the department. They were really backed up with trays and lots of miscellaneous other things. So I offered to go back in the Pit, which is where the surgeries get brought down to and the instruments are cleaned and then put through a washing cycle, and put the surgery through. Pretty easy, especially since Trish came back and helped as did Kathy. It took me about 15 minutes to do the whole thing. Not a big deal, the girls appreciated it, and it kept me busy. Oh, and I should mention that Sterile Processing is an union department, and I'm non-union. Well, Christie tells me that someone called her 7 times and left her voicemails complaining that I put the surgery through. WTF?? She wanted to know if I was forced to go back there, and then she started in on Annie, who is the lead person in the afternoons. Basically it comes down to the fact that Christie is pissed that Annie has this job title and that Annie is getting an dollar more an hour to hold this position, and Christie feels that she should have it. And Christie feels that Annie should have told one of the girls to go back and do it, or call a midnight person in early. The staff is not supposed to call anyone in early on friday because they have all weekend to get caught up. I flew off the handle and got instantly pissed. It has never been an issue when I've helped out in the past, and now Christie is just not sure what she's going to do about it. What the fuck does that mean? She hinted that she might have to go to Cindy, her boss, and let her know what is going on. And I told her, "do what you got to do Christie, and I will too." Don't fucking call me on sunday and THREATEN that you are going to possibly do something.
After I got of the phone with her, I called Traci, who worked this weekend to see if anyone had said anything to her. Big negative in that direction. As I'm talking to her, I tell her that I'm going to call Kathy at work and find out if she heard anything. Remember that little fact. I call Kathy and she has no clue what is going on. Okay, so either no one is giving up who said it, or no one said it, and Christie is just trying to start shit. Which is her forte, she is not happy unless there is chaos in her wake.
The first thing out of Christie's mouth when she came in Sunday was, "So Sara called you eh?" Well there was only one person who knew I was calling Kathy and that was Traci. I cannot describe how betrayed I feel. We were supposed to be good friends. We've gone out before and done things, hell, I didn't even get pissed at her when we went out one wednesday before Thanksgiving and she ended up making out with the guy that I was supposed to hook up with. It was not a big thing. I just can't understand how she could do something like this to me. Maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she told her in a non-chalant way, and Christie ran with it to get Annie in trouble. I don't know. Tonight I got home and Traci had sent me an email that was titled, "Your a keeper". Basically it was one of those, glad to have you in my life as a friend, pass it on. So was that her way of apologizing, or did she not say anything. I know, the best way to find out is just ask her. But I'm not ready for that yet....
I called Annie last night and gave her a heads up, and she went and talked to Cindy today, and Cindy was cool with it. Annie explained that it would have been different if I had never worked in the department, and it's not like it happens everday or even every week. I had to time and offered my help, and they took me up on it. The thing is, Cindy knows how Christie is, and this is only hurting Christie. Enough of that shit.
I just burned my first CD! Yeah, go me! I currently have 224 songs on the puter, and I still have a lot of CD's to go through. But that is for another time...I've been working on this for close to an hour and I have to get up for a meeting at ten....yuck.
