Winter Chill...
(2005-03-04, 11:30 p.m.)
Hey all....
I felt good enough today to shovel the driveway. But there is a section about 12 square feet that I couldn't do for the life of me. It was where the wind blew the snow around my shed and drifted rather high. Plus, the Sun was out and it was melting some of the snow, which made it that very heavy snow. Excellent for snowpeople, or snowball fights if you have someone to play with.
Did I tell you about the bunny poo? I have a bunny that has been hanging around the bird feeders. Yesterday on my way out the door, I noticed tracks off to one side of the shed and poo in a nice little pile. Apparently little bunny doesn't like to poo where he eats. Cute.
Work was amazing easy tonight. In fact, it was a bit scary. I have email thru work, but I don't check it very often. Most of the love notes I get from co-workers comes in that form, and why bother reading it when it is the same shit? But I was a putz tonight and checked it. My boss sent me a note about taking back two of the days that I asked for off, since I called in sick. Well duh. He's just such a dork. So that little email pushed me to sign that Clerk position in Records. I filled out a little questionaire, and they wanted to know why I was requesting a job change. I thought pretty hard on that one and came up with, I needed a new enviroment to challenge my abilities...or something like that. Go me.
Mom got the results of her bone scan and cat scan. Everything looks good, except she has a bump on her liver, but they think that it is benign. If she had lung cancer, they would go and take it. So that is a little weight off the shoulders. Now if we could find dad a job, things would be great!
The wedding is tomorrow, and I'm not sure what I'm going to wear. I really can't afford to go get a new outfit, maybe there will be something in the closet that I haven't worn in a while. I did talk to Tracy tonight and I don't think I'm going to the wedding itself, just the reception. So I'm thinking that if I just do that, I could wear my jeans....we'll see. She was on the way to the hall to decorate, at 11 at night. Yikes.
I know there was something else that I wanted to talk about, but it has left the building, like Elvis. There's always tomorrow.