Winter Chill...
Injured finger and various swear words
(2005-03-07, 11:44 p.m.)
Wow! You would not believe the kind of day I had. Basically it was a total shit of a day. I slept fantastic last night, didn't want to get out of bed!! I got to work and things were actually pretty quiet until Mike got there. Normally Mike is a pretty nice guy, laid back, friendly. Today, he was Mr. Annoyance. Everything that came out of his mouth was a whine. It took all I had not to punch him in the mouth just to get him to shut up. Oh my gosh!!!! Thankfully I only had to deal with that shit for an hour. I truely don't think I could have listened to it all day. Come home, get a nice siesta in and go to the hospital. As I'm pulling my stock order, I have a box that I'm balancing on the edge of the rack. Not a good idea. Suddenly the box is falling down.....onto my fucking pinky finger, where it bends the finger nail back about half way down the nailbed. FUCKING CHRIST, GOD DAMMIT, SON OF A MOTHERLESS GOAT, were just a few of the lovelies spewing out of my mouth. My co-worker comes over to see what is going on, and she says to really can't have those nails on and work down here. I know she meant well, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. If I want to have fake talons on, I will. That's not how long my nails are, they are just long enough to give good back scratches. And I can still type, so they aren't that bad. So I'm injured. And it really hurts bad. I was in the process of stocking a room and I hit the pinky on a container in a cupboard....see above verbage. But there was A LOT of "fucks" in that tirade. And this time it started bleeding rather profusely. So now I have a metal split that we wrapped around it and taped it all up, so that I won't hurt myself again. Yeah right. So how am I typing this out....very carefully!
Well, I've got some reading to do and I have to work in the AM....