Winter Chill...
More finger pain....
(2005-03-08, 11:45 p.m.)
Do you want to take a wild guess as to how the finger felt today? It freaking hurt. All day....and even though I had some protection on it..... I still managed to whack it a couple of times....Yeah, it was great. Mike drove me nuts again today, only one more day of him. Hopefully next week he won't be so bad, because I could seriously hurt the man.
I forgot to tell you about the great little frog I got yesterday. I have it in my guest bathroom, which is done in a frog theme...but this one lights up from the inside! It casts a serene green glow to the bathroom at night. It's so pretty...
Haven't heard anything about the job yet, they just took the posting down today...keeping the fingers crossed.
It's late and I have to work in the morning...I've been having a conference chat with family and haven't been able to get this finish....