Winter Chill...
Busy Day
(2005-08-30, 9:20 a.m.)
I have a busy day today! I've already had breakfast, but I need to get my butt dressed and hit M@rshalls to get a couple of birthday presents. Then it's off to the tile shop to get my check. I have to reserve $105 dollars for Peyton's surgery and last set of shots tomorrow, then I think I will hit the groceries store and get stuff for this weekend. With Tony coming up on sunday, he will be here around 1 and that is the last day of the Egyptian exhibit at the local museum, so we are going to hit that in the afternoon, and then maybe hit the gardens, for a little walk thru the woods. Home for dinner, grilled burgers, and corn on the cob, marinated cucumbers, and I'm not sure what were doing for dessert. Course, if I played it right, we might be dessert, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that! The evening is opened for things to do, and he is leaving monday around noon. From there I'm off to the parents to hang out and have grilled pizzas for dinner! Yummy! I did drop the Tony bomb on mom yesterday a couple of times, so she knows that there is something going on. Exactly what, I can't say right now, but she knows there's a boy...
I'm off to do my running... Oh yeah, and how could I forget this! Mom has informed me that she is not giving me money for an iPod for christmas this year, I can save up my own money and buy it myself. She told me to get a list of other things I would like for christmas. I promptly told her that I didn't want anything else so she might as well forget doing christmas for me. Then she accused me of being a bitch, which I don't think that's being bitchy, that is what I would like, and I don't think it's too much to ask her to donate to it. It's not like I'm asking her to buy the whole fucking thing.....Grrrrr