Winter Chill...
Short and sweet!
(2005-09-02, 11:12 p.m.)
Thank goodness for squeaky doors! I was down in the basement tonight, taking in my nightly siesta, and I heard the back door squeak open! Popped my head up and pretended to be doing some very important computer work. I think I scared him, I had most of the lights off...I'm sure he wasn't expecting to find anyone there!
Tom is coming over in the morning and we are heading to the auction. The weather is going to be perfect this weekend! Upper 70's during the day, and lower 60's at night. My plan tomorrow is to do the auction, come home and get some more sun, and then clean and decorate the house for fall! Then just wait for noon on sunday when Tony gets here. Am I excited? A bit. Am I reserving judgement until we spend some time together? A lot. He asked last night if I think he is the guy for me. Dude, don't force the issue. By doing shit like that...I would have to say NO! I guess the biggest factor will be if he is willing to curtail his drinking. I don't feel that I should tell him he has to quit drinking if he wants to be with me, but I'm just not into getting buzzed 3-4 nights a week. I'm not opposed to having a drink every now and then, just not on such a regular basis. So we shall see.
Time to hit the sack! Edit: After reading nilliem's comment, I can only guess that she is referring to my SIL being pregnant. She had an untra-sound done on wednesday, and they are 95% sure it's a boy! Which is way cool! They have dubbed this one Newbie for now, who knows, it might stick for good!