Winter Chill...
Helping out.....
(2005-09-06, 11:56 p.m.)
I was downstairs today pulling my OR order, and the phone rang. I answered it, and it was Larry, one of the guys from purchasing. We had to guys from EMS coming over, they needed a bunch of supplies to take down to Mississippi/Louisiana. For an half an hour, we loaded up, syringes, IV's, water, gloves, disposable gowns, needles, so many other things, to numerous to name. From the sounds of it, we have two rigs/6-8 guys heading down there, they will be staying two weeks, and pretty much working 24/7 while they are there. I also heard that a couple of the nurse anesthetists want to go and help also. Now, I realize, that all I did was help pull stuff off a shelf and help load it into a rig, but it made me feel so god damn good to be doing something. Even something little like that to help out. The hospital has also set up a Katrina Fund, any money donated by the staff will be meet dollar for dollar by the hospital. I didn't have much to give, but every little bit helps. So even tho I was behind in my work, I didn't care, I had done something that might make someone else's life just a little better. Frankly, I've had my head in the clouds, and a big grin on my face since this afternoon. Plus, it seemed that the digital music stations in the OR rooms were playing some kick ass music today. And since no one was around but me, you know I had the music cranking, and I was dancing and singing along!
All in all it was a good day...Do I care that asshat2 blew me off last night to go smoke a joint? Nope, because he means nothing to me. I should clarify that. I IM'ed him last night about receiving that bill in the mail about me teeth. I was a bit upset, and not really sure where I was going to come up with that kind of money. Now maybe I'm asking to much, but I would have at least thought as, "oh shit that totally sucks" was in order. Instead I got, "hun, Dave wants me to come over and smoke a joint with him...I'll be back in a bit." You go and smoke that joint buddy, because that is the only friend you are going to have. Yes, I knew about his pot smoking, I don't have a problem with people who smoke, it's just not my thing. But when that is more important than someone you claim to care about, it's time to move on...and I have.