Winter Chill...
I had a dream last night
(2005-09-09, 1:37 p.m.)
So I had this dream last night�I was on my way to see Tony, but the weird thing was, when I got there, he was living in Kristen�s house, with his parents. He came out to greet me, and I really wanted to take a shower, I was hot, sticky and sweaty from the drive down. He shows me to a very spacious, deep blue teal tiled bathroom, it would have been very serene in there if there hadn�t been so much dirty laundry scattered over the floor, and dirty water everywhere there was a flat surface. I immediately thought of water from Hurricane Katrina, that�s what it looked like. I was a bit grossed out, but I really wanted a shower. By this time, I had a towel wrapped around me, and I was getting ready to step into the shower. For some reason, I had forgotten my shampoo, so I stepped back out, and Tony was in there giving a hug and talking to Kim. I was surprised. So I grab a towel, wrap up, and head to the bedroom to get my shit, I was out of there. I walk into the living room, and there is a very over weight, dirty, greasy haired guy sitting in a chair with a beer in one hand remote in the other, and a cigarette in his mouth. Just sitting there starring at the TV. For some reason, I was repulsed by this, and ran trying to find the bedroom. When I got there, I realized that my clothes were still in my car, so outside I go just wrapped in a towel. Meanwhile, Tony is following me trying to talk to me, but I was not having any of that. As I�m at my car, I hear the rumble of motorcycles. I look up, and parking in front of my car, were two guys on Harleys. There was a taller, balding guy wearing blue jeans and a leather jacket, The other guy was short, balding, wearing jeans, a white t-shirt, and leather jacket. The taller one, jumps off his bike and starts running to another house on the road, yelling something about a hostage situation. Tony very calmly and quietly tells me to get my butt back in the house, and this time I do listen to him. I�m back in the house, trying to find something to wear, and I have nothing. I got to Kristen�s mom�s closet and find something, all the while, Kim is following me around telling me how much she likes Tony�yada yada yada, I couldn�t care. I�m walking out of the house, and the two Harley guys are beating Tony in the back yard, I glance back casually, and stride confidently to my car. As I�m driving away, it has turned to night, and it�s raining. I�m having a hard time seeing the road, but I do see the lights of the businesses that I am passing by�..
Then I woke up. Have you ever woken up from a dream, and had your body so tense, that you couldn�t breathe, and barely move? That�s what this dream did to me. It�s almost like I�m paralyzed, and until I wake up fully, I can�t move. And it�s not the first time dreams have done that to me.
I did talk to Tony last night, and he told me that he still had feelings for Kim, blah blah blah. Since I had been secretly hoping for the last two weeks that he would decided that he still wanted to be with her, or didn�t want to try with me anymore because of the distance, I find it funny that I would have a dream like this. Of course, having this conversation right before I went to bed probably didn�t� help, nor did it help having an amethyst stone, which aids in dreams, and a citrine stone which aids in dream recollection under my pillow. Plus, I burned some sandalwood, amber and jasmine incenses, which is an scent that is particularly powerful for Aries people.
So on a more funny note. I heard this commotion coming from the laundry room last night. Since the kittens have been having great fun jumping on the washer and dryer, and then up on the cabinets, I thought maybe someone fell behind the washer or something. I walk in there, and find Karma up on the cabinets, and Eli is balancing precariously on top of the door. Yep, that�s right, on top of the door. I just wonder what kind of hi-jinks ensue when I�m not there. Probably shouldn�t think about it.
I have to work tomorrow at the tile shop. I was supposed to be off, but I really need the money, so I picked it up from Jill. Then is home for a while, and my friend Lisa, one of her sons is playing football in the evening, so I will go watch for a while. On Sunday, Detroit plays Green Bay at 4:15. Can you say excited! Then, on Sunday night, the Colts are in Baltimore! I will be in football heaven�
Not that I don�t already have a lot of stuff on my plate, but I have decided to volunteer at the local animal shelter, maybe once or twice a week, depending on my schedule for the tile shop. After seeing that ASSHOLE kicking his dog, and watching the video of the animals left in the hurricane, I feel that, that is the direction my life should be focused on. Besides, animals love you unconditionally.