Winter Chill...
Tales of the asshole syndrome
(2005-09-22, 11:57 p.m.)
Today at the tile shop, there was an order to be placed for Eric. Well, since I'm boycotting him, I set it off to the side, Mike could take care of it when he came in. I didn't really think much of the order until I actually looked to see what it was for. He had ordered two tubes of mushroom caulk. Again, not a big deal. UNTIL I WENT INTO THE BACK ROOM TO FIND MY BROTHER'S CAULK GONE. Not only does the son of a bitch not do the job, he's got a pretty big set of balls to borrow the caulk from the job he didn't do. I was so annoyed with him. I ordered up another tube to be UPS'ed out, and told Jill to bill Eric for the shipping. And I let Mike know it. See, ever since last week, Eric won't call when I'm there in the morning, he waits til the end of the day to place any orders. And I'm sure that Mike will mention my displeasure with Eric to him. I know, not that Eric really cares, but it makes me feel better.

Not much else is going on...I finally get a day of sleeping in tomorrow, I'm looking forward to that. Pretty much the only thing I have to do tomorrow is color my hair. I want to have good hair for going out saturday night. The weather is supposed to be rainy all weekend, so I'm not sure if we are still on for going to the Ren Fest. We had a really nice thunderstorm move thru this afternoon. This is just my take on things, but it seems like we don't get the thunderstorms like we used to. The one today was great. Rattling the windows, the PING of the constant sheets of rain falling on the carport, the cats jumping on the bed with me so I would protect them. It was awesome. that about covers things for now...which means it's time to hit the sack for a really good nights sleep! Yes!