Winter Chill...
family pictures.
(2005-09-28, 1:19 a.m.)

This is a pic of one of the kittens my parents are taking care of right now. This is the smaller of the two, and I call her Serenity.

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This is a pic of older sister, I swear, I�m not choking her, I was trying to lift her head up so you could get a better view of her face. I�m still trying to come up with a name for her�I�m leaning towards Onyx

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This is Karma, one of my other Baby Girls.

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Eli, who I�m missing a lot right now. He had his snip and clip today, everything went well, and I get to pick him up in less than 8 hours.

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Peyton, who is turning into a big boy! I love the way he is sitting here. I had another cat who would sit that way.

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Sara got a new night light today. Those are bats that are springing out from the light.

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Sara also got a new frog figurine. He is actually a candy bowl, but I love the fact that he is a vampire frog!!

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And finally, because I�m such a dork, here is my left eye. Just go with it, okay?

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I did have a real entry I wanted to do�but I�m tired after not enough sleep last night. I will have a really good entry tomorrow night!