Winter Chill...
A real entry!
(2005-09-30, 8:38 p.m.)
Okay, here�s my real entry. It�s not going to have any cohesiveness�I�m going to be bouncing around, touching on several different topics. So beware!

First to check off my list: my Brother�s tile job. The guy who did it, is a cousin to SIL. Not a big deal. Bro told me he had been doing tile jobs for 5 years, so I�m thinking that�s not to bad. Then when I talked to Tile Guy, he told me who he used to work for, I�ve heard of the guy. So I�m thinking TG must know what the hell he�s doing. And he did. When I figured out the square footage of the tile, it was to go all the way to the ceiling. Bro didn�t want to do that, he wanted it about 18 inches from the ceiling. Well, I didn�t order enough bullnose to do that. I ordered enough to go from floor to ceiling on the side walls. So what TG did since there wasn�t enough bullnose to go around, was one wall doesn�t have any bullnose on it!!! And it�s closer to the door, and you see an unfinished edge of the tile. What the hell? If you are going to have an unfinished edge, make it the farthest wall that won�t be as noticeable. I haven�t been over to see the finished job, part of me doesn�t want to. If they ask me what I think, I will be nice about it an lie, telling them it looks nice. You can sure tell they got a $250 dollar tile job.

The Girls are doing fabulous! I went over Wednesday and mom and I gave them baths. Holy cow! They looked so cute all wet and wrapped up in a towel. We had feed them earlier, and the put them in the hallway to play for a bit. After the baths, they curled up under my chin and were going to take a nap, but we got them back in the cage. Mom got a little bit annoyed with me, when she found out I named them. So in the previous post, I mentioned Onyx and Serenity as the names. Well, I�ve changed Serenity to Salem. That fits better. I�m going over tomorrow to do the bath thing again. So I�m not sure when the parentals are taking them back, but I have to go get cat food tomorrow, so I will mention to the pet shop people that I want them. They just can�t tell my parents!

My trip today to the Michigan Design Center was freaking awesome! We just went to the tile stores, but there is so many cool things out there. If you go
here, this will take you to one of the websites of the places we went to. Click on showroom tour under the Design Center and it will show you three pics of some of the things they have there. It doesn�t do it justice, but you get the idea. This is another place we went to. They have leather tile! That shit was so cool! Very masculine, but cool nonetheless. This was the last place we went. The website doesn�t have nearly all the marble tile they had in the store. There was stuff that looked like an animal print. It was so cool! Oh, and they had some marble that was a very pretty blue/grey color. Oh my goodness! I would love to work there. Or, better yet, we need to revamp our showroom and get all the cool stuff in! This tile line we found at Genesee Ceramic Tile. Jill wants to get the display for our showroom. This is some fancy stuff, that we know we can sell in this town. Walker Zanger has some really neat stuff too! If you are in the mood, check out the websites and just see the cool new stuff that is out there.

Okay, Kristen is home this weekend, and she called me and asked if I wanted to hang with her at her house�so I�m off to her casa!!!