Winter Chill...
(2005-10-16, 10:18 a.m.)
I took these this week...I know the quality is not the greatest, but you get the idea of what my new boys look like..

Here's Onyx

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This is Markus

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And this is how I left them on Thursday...

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The introduction to the rest of the family has gone pretty well. Alani still growls a bit, and the boys can get a bit rough when playing, but it's been fairly painless. Right now, Onyx and Markus are sleeping on my chest.

Yesterday was quiet. Which was nice. Mom and I went and got more stuff for another wreath, and I got both of them finished yesterday. I'll post pics later. I got the house cleaned, swept, dishes done, and kitty litter scooped.

Tom is coming over today after he gets out of work, not sure what we are going to do, maybe hit the mall and get some dinner. I still have laundry to do tonight, got my towels done already!

Time to go watch some Sunday NFL Countdown!