Winter Chill...
Non-descript today
(2005-10-19, 12:44 p.m.)
I grabbed some floppy discs that were sitting on the desk, I wanted to see what was on them and clean them up. I had two floppies with nothing but fonts on them. I was as close to orgasmic as I�ve been in a long time! I counted how many fonts I have on my system, 571. That�s right, 571 fonts. Hey, at least I�m confessing to be a font whore. What will I do with all those fonts? Doesn�t matter, as long as I have them, if I need them, I�m good to go. Who�s jealous of me now? Oh, and I also found some very cool wallpapers from season one of Queer as Folk. Brian is up right now. Hey, now that I think about it, when I found these, I was pretty close to orgasm again! Wow, twice in one day.

I really need to find a Nip/Tuck community. It sucks not having any to talk to about it. But I will say, that in the last minute last night, I knew who the latest Carver victim was even before the person was shown. There were quite a few twists last night, that�s part of the reason why I love the show.

I signed on last night to messenger, and next to Tony�s name, it said �view my webcam� Hm, must not be doing to bad if you can afford to buy a webcam. Now I know they aren�t that expensive anymore. I just find humor in the fact that he was pissing and moaning the other night about not having any money. Well, anyways, being the curious one that I am, I clicked onto it, and there he was. We were chatting off and on, and occasionally I would click back to the picture. Well, one time, I clicked, and it looked like his shirt had come off. I�m not 100% sure, but I think he had been wearing a wife-beater before. A bit later, I click over again, and I see this blur of whiteness, and during this blur, I�m pretty sure there was penis and ass involved. What the hell? If you are going to show your twig and berries, at least let me know before hand. Frankly, your 42 year old junk is not high on my list of things to see.

Sunday afternoon Tom made it over, and we headed to the mall, specifically Barnes & Noble. Nothing there I had to have though. Which is good. We were going to have dinner at a new bbq place in town, but they are closed on Sundays. Bummer, but were we ended up at, I had a great mushroom swiss burger. As we were dining, the cell rings, and it's asshat1. I ignore it, and Tom and I start talking about how he should have been my boyfriend and answered the phone. Damn it! Next time, becuase I know he's going to call back, and he did. Tom didn't answer it, but asshat asked if he was interrupting anything, and I told him that yeah, my boyfriend was over. Dead silence for 5 seconds, then he says,"alright" and hangs up the phone! Yeah me!

I need a color and hair trim so damn bad. The color I can take care of this weekend, but the cut. I really don't trust most people when it comes to trimming long hair. Last time I went to get a trim and shape it, the girl cut off three inches. That's not a trim in my book. And that was back in April, so it needs it.

I do have a rant about asshole drivers, but that can wait. I need my afternoon siesta today! Only three more days of work, yipee!