Winter Chill...
A new survey!!
(2005-11-03, 12:54 p.m.)
A New Survey that I stole fromSally

your name: Sara
your gender: Female
age: 34
height: 5'10
hair color: Auburn
eye color: Hazel
your location: Somewhere in Michigan
fears: The cooties

peed your pants? At what age? Sure�did it when I was little�but not recently!
cheated on someone? Nope.
fallen off the bed? Probably.
fallen for a relative? No
had plastic surgery? Negative
broke someone's heart? Not that I�m aware of
had your heart broken? To many times.
had a dream come true? I would have to say yes�
done something you regret? Yep, who hasn't
cheated on a test? Legally yes, illegally no
been raped? No
broken a body part? No, I have very strong bones

wearing � Jeans, Lime green sweater, black mules
listening to � Niki Nana- Yanni
chewing - Reese�s Peanut Butter Cup
feeling - Just kind of here�
reading � Everyone�s blog�
located - Desk at work, took my laptop with me
chatting with � Myself
watching � The cars go by outside
should REALLY be doing - Probably entering some bills in the system

brush your teeth? Yes
like anybody? Hahahaha�that�s a funny question�like a gazillion people�
have any piercing? Yes, 2 right ear, 1 left ear, and right and left tragus
drive? Like a demon
believe in Santa Claus? For Baby Girl�

do you belong to a crew? A crew of what?
do you hang out with the opposite sex? Yes
do you consider yourself popular? Let�s just say I know a lot of people�
do you trust your friends? Yes and No�Depends on who the are�
are you a good friend? I try to be the best possible
can you keep a secret? Definitely

hugged � Baby Girl
talked to on the phone � Some guy looking for Jill
yelled at ? � Hello? I have cats�
fell in love with - That�s a secret�

What do you want to be when you grow up? Since I don�t think I will every get there�
What was the worst day of your life? I would have to say it revolves around family members dying.
What has been the best day of your life? Any day spent with Baby Girl
What comes first in your life? Da Family
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? � BF=no, GF=no, Crush=several
If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? Yeah, the back of my head
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? When am I going to get laid again

Movie: Ever After, the Princess Bride, LOTR, G.I. Jane,
Song: Warehouse, Jimi Thing, Two Step, Ants Marching
Group: Der�Dave Matthews Band
Store: Kohl�s, Target
Relative: Baby Girl
Sport to watch: Football and Hockey
Vacation Spot: The U.P.
Fruit: Raspberries
Candy: Take 5 candy bar
Holiday: Yule
Day of the Week: Any day that I don�t have to work.
Color: Purple baby!
Magazine: Readers Digest, Time, Cooking Light
Name for a Girl: That�s a secret
Name for a Boy: See above

Like to give hugs? Yes
Like to walk in the rain? Oh hell yes!
Sleep with or without clothes on? Depends on the weather
Prefer black or blue pens? Purple�der
Dress up on Halloween? Only if I�m going to a party
Have a job? -Yes, two
Like to travel? Yes
Like someone? An I a woman?
Sleep on your side, tummy or back? Side or back.
Think you're attractive? I think I have some nice facial features
Want to marry? Ummm�NO
Have a goldfish? No
Ever have the falling dream? Yes
Have stuffed animals? Yes
Go on vacation? Yes, to several places around the country

Abortion: It�s a woman�s choice what she does with her body, not the asshole president
Bill Clinton: McDonalds�SNL skit�
Eating Disorders: Sadness, that people can�t be happy with who they are�Same thing with plastic surgery�this is who and how I am, if you don�t like me, that�s your problem�
Summer: I prefer the warm windy days, or the rainy days�
Tattoos: Yes, ummm Awesome! But not the really scary ones�
Piercing: Yes, they�re cool�just not sure why anyone would get their whoohaa pierced
Make-up: I prefer the more natural look.
Drinking: Not a big fan of it�just to get drunk�I�m a very rare social drinker�
Guys: As long as they have a Great Personality�
Girls: They can be very catty�

Pierced nose or tongue? Nose
Be serious or funny? - I lean towards the funny�
Single or taken? Single�Hello?
Simple or Complicated? Mix
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? EW!!! To sugary sweet for me�neither�How bout some Nip/Tuck, or CSI?
Sugar or salt? Right now I�m craving the sugar�
Silver or gold? Love gold, but I can afford silver�
Tongue or belly button ring? Belly
Chocolate or flowers? Chocolate
Angels or miracles? Angels
Color or Black-and-white photos? Depends on the picture�I like both
Sunrise or sunset? Sunsets
M&M's or Skittles? Peanut M&M�s
Rap or Rock? Rock
Stay up late or sleep in? Stay up�you should know that by now
TV or radio? I listen to music more than I watch TV�
Hot or cold? What? My food? My shower? My body temperature?
Sun or moon? Moon!!!
Diamond or Ruby? Diamond, it�s my birthstone baby!
Left or Right? Lefty! And damn proud of it!!
10 acquaintances or one best friend? I have both�
Vanilla or chocolate? Neither, Baskin-Robbins Baseball Nut
Kids or no kids? Human kids=don�t want any, animal kids=have lots!
Half-empty or Half-full? Half-full
Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
Newspaper or Magazine? Magazine
Spring or Fall? Fall
Give or receive? Both
Rain or snow? Depends�if it is the heavy compactable snow that�s good for snowball fights and making snow people, cool! Soft warm rain to walk in, cool!
Happy or sad? Happy
sneakers or sandals? Oh definitely sandals. The bigger the heel the better!
McDonald's or Burger King? Burger King
Mexican or Italian food? Mexican
Lights on or off? What am I doing?
A house in the woods or the city? In the woods, sits back a couple hundred feet from the road, and there�s nothing but trees to block the view of the road, but I do have a big back yard, with a pond, and bonfire pit.
Pepsi or Coke? Used to be Pepsi, but I�ve quit drinking soda. I did have a couple Diet Rite a while ago, just to get it out of the fridge�but now it�s mostly water!
Nike or ADIDAS? Actually, I�m a Sketchers kind of girl�