Winter Chill...
when I think about you...
(2005-11-03, 12:04 a.m.)
Forgive me buddies, it's been three days since my last update...
But I have some pretty good reasons. Lets' see...Monday was work all day. Kind of boring, thank goodness for my laptop! I had to call on monday after 5 to find out if I had to go for jury duty on tuesday. Thankfully, nothing was scheduled until wednesday morning at 8:30. I get there this morning, and we sit thru the orientation, which lasted almost an hour.
We come back from a short break, and the judge tells us that the defendant isn't showing up, he's is conceding, adn they are going to settle out of court! I was really looking forward to the case. It was dealt with someone in the construction business. They didn't go into all the details, but it sounds like he cut some corners, and the home-owner was trying to recoupe some of the costs. Now I have to call back on friday to see when the next time I have to go is. It sounds like it might be at the end of the month. Which would be awesome! They said that November is the best time to have jury duty here, most of the cases are bench trials.

So on tuesday, I was able to pick up Salem. I was there at 8 and she is so damn cute. There was another cat there, she's a mostly black calico that I brought home to. I've named her Piper, so far. Right now, all four of the kittens are chasing each other around the living room. There is still some growling going on with a couple of the older ones, but not to bad. They just get a little squirt from the water bottle if they get to mean.

Tara asked me to go golfing this friday afternoon. Oh darn, a day off of work. I emailed my boss requesting it, but the stupid email wasn't working later, so I don't know if he approved it or not! Damn system better be working tomorrow!

This time change has really screwed up my sleep schedule. I'm sleeping harder than I have in a long time. Which makes me not want to get up in the morning!

I'm working an extra day a week now at the tile shop. Jill asked me about picking up some more hours, and I told her to give me all she wanted, so now I'm working monday, thursday, and fridays, plus the occasional saturday.

This weekend, I have no major plans. I might be watching Baby Girl on saturday, but I probably won't know that until friday when the call me.

Yeah, so that's my life the last few days. Exciting, I know.

Time to say good night, and hit the sack...