Winter Chill...
(2005-12-14, 12:21 a.m.)
I've got the crud. I think it actually started a couple of weeks ago, but it finally started to kick my ass over the weekend. I had some left over Keflex from my tooth surgery, so I took that sunday night and monday morning. Last night Allyson gave me some Alka-Seltzer cold medicine so I've been taking that too. I think the Keflex really started to break things up, but it's made it so that I have "bedroom voice" according to Sharon. Which does not sound as sexy as Sharon makes it out to be! I've been getting a lot of sleep too, so that helps.
Speaking of sleep, it's time to go take some more drugs and retire. If I'm feeling better tomorrow, I want to start cleaning the house, in preparation for the big dinner party! But we'll see...