Winter Chill...
Nothing to important...2
(2006-01-25, 11:47 p.m.)
Yay! Five pounds lost this week!
I haven't been doing much of anything this week, just getting caught up with all the sleep I missed the last two weeks. My computer guy was supposed to put my new anti-virus software on my system this week, but I haven't heard back from him about dropping the laptop off. I don't want to spend to much time online, since I'm not protected against those nasty viruses that are floating around.
Zeke and I are going to hit Frankenmuth on Saturday for the Snowfest, and other than that, things are pretty quiet.
Went over the Bro's house yesterday and built a snowman with Baby Girl. She kept wondering out loud if we were to sing to him, then he would come to life. Kind of broke my heart to have to tell her it's a movie...but I don't think she got it.
Oh yeah, and the good thing about losing the weight, I'm having issues with one pair of my jeans staying up.
I will try to get some pics of this weekend at Snowfest. In case you are wondering, it is a snow and ice sculpture contest. There are teams from around the world that come and compete. It's very cool, now I just hope the snow lasts till then!
Time to slumber, I have to work in the morning...