Winter Chill...
Tattoos for you...
(2006-02-15, 12:17 a.m.)
For your viewing requested by Smed, and Rik. Sorry some of these are a bit fuzzy....but you get the idea!!

My very first tattoo, on my left ankle

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No, it's not's Hobbes.

My second time under the gun, right ankle this time

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My Deaddy Bear, on my right foot...

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The Moon, on my left thigh

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I'm looking to get a sun to match on my right thigh.

This is my bunch of flowers on my right shoulder. The color is not the greatest in the picture, it has faded some. They are supposed to be purple. I have gone to a local tattoo shop in town to see about getting it re-inked. I really want it to be a deep purple color, with some bright pink near the centers fading into the purple. I also think it would be cool to get the same tat on the other shoulder, maybe in opposite colors!

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Here's my meditating frog...did you really think I wouldn't have a frog tat?

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Finally, probably my favorite of them all. I designed it, and picked out the colors...

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This is the Chinese symbol for "Princess" which is what Sara means. I didn't want the traditional black done in it, and I love sunsets, so I colored it to look like one. This is is on the middle of my shoulder blades. I was in the chair for two hours, and only paid 80 dollars for it. Normally my artist charges 100 bucks an hour, but he had an apprentice there, and she did it. And the cool thing about it, he name was Sarah!

There is one more, it's on the small of my back, but I can't seem to get a good picture of it. It is a ram symbol, since I'm an Aries!

As far as what other ones I want, I want to get a boy and girl faeryy to represent Baby Girl and Turk. I would like to some how incorporate their astrological info into the tattoo.
I also want to get something to remind me of all my felines. So I'm kind of leaning towards getting what looks like a cat has walked over my back, with their names under the pawprints. Still working on all of these idea though.

So that covers it for the tattoos right now! Time for bed, I've got a busy day tomorrow!

P.S. Please go here, and do this for me, por favor???