Winter Chill...
Happy St. Patrick's Day
(2006-03-17, 8:07 a.m.)
I was chatting online last night with Traci, and she asked me if I would be her wingman tonight. She's been talking with a guy she met through eHarmony, and it sounds like they are going to get together tonight for the first time. She's a little nervous, and wants someone there to help the conversation along. He's bringing a friend, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. I've kind of resigned myself to being the cat lady, and it's going to take a pretty special guy who can deal with that. But anyway, we sort of have a back up plan if things don't go well. We are going to meet them at the Baywood Lounge, which sounds like a bar that's still living in the 70's! Then if we have to, we're going to tell them we promised Annie and Michelle we'd stop by at RJ's to see them. Plus Burnaround is playing, and I love me some Burnaround!! The only bad thing, I have to work saturday morning, so I don't want to be out until all hours of the night. Who knows, she might IM me before I go to work, and say she doesn't want to go. I totally forgot when we were talking that it's St. Patrick's Day. So happy green day to you all!
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Mmmmm...ham, cheese, and mushroom omelette for breakfast. I probably spelled that wrong, but I don't care, I'm not looking it up.

Since the asswipe next door can't play his music loud at night, he's doing it in the morning now. I was hoping to sleep in, but around, oh, 7AM he started blaring his music. I have a friend who is a police officer, I'm going to be giving him a call and find out what the noise ordinance times are. I think it's from 11PM-8AM, but I don't know. If it is, the park manager is going to get one more call to let her know about it, and if it happens again, I'm calling the police. I really want that jerk gone.

I got my phone call from the hospital this morning about my surgery. 10 minutes on the phone to basically figure out I'm a pretty healthy person. Oh, by the way, I lost another pound this week! Not the two I wanted to lose, but hey, it's something! Now what I really need to do is start focusing on working out. When I gain weight, it's usually in my torso, so I need to work on that area the most.

Did I mention that I've done something to my right wrist? I'm not sure, it almost feels like I just need to crack it, and it will be better. But it doesn't want to do that!

Well, I think it's time to go do some housework. I've got the dishes done, and the counter picked up. I'd like to get my sheets and towels washed, vacuum the house, and I should be good to go!