Winter Chill...
Flowers in the garden..
(2006-03-28, 7:53 a.m.)
Sunday after I came home from the parental units house, I walked back to my gardern and discovered that I have flowers in my garden!!

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I have three bunches of Crocuses coming up, this light lavender, and then a darker purple.
These are my tulips...but I don't remember what color they are...

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And here's some catnip for the felines...

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I did some weeding, and raked the leaves out from last fall. It was so awesome getting my hands dirty! I'm hoping to be able to do some planting while I'm off.
Speaking of, two more days, and I'm free for 19 days!
I do have to get going, I still need to make some lunch to take to work. The new guy seems to be okay...he was telling me a little bit about his story yesterday, some of it I was questioning it in my mind, and making mental notes. We shall see!