Winter Chill...
My surgery went well
(2006-03-31, 12:09 p.m.)
My surgery went very well yesterday. It's today that I'm feeling it. I had to be at the hospital to check in at 9:45am, they took me back, and had to fill out some paper work, had to pee in a cup for a pregnancy test. Which I find rather amusing and annoying. Hello people, haven't had sex in forever, I know there's no way I'm pregnant.
So I get to my room and get changed into one of those cool hospital gowns, which are so attractive, it's not even funny. The nurse came in, started my IV, and then I had to take the nail polish off my toes, which I had just put on in the morning. Dang it, now I don't coordinate!
Then it was time to wait.
And wait.
And wait some more.
Allyson came in about 11:15 and said the doctor was getting started on his second case, so I was probably going to be later than noon, like originally scheduled. Dang it again. Now remember, by this time I had been without food since 8 the previous evening. I was getting hungry.
Finally around noon they came and got and took me to the pre-operative holding area. Then it was just a matter of waiting for the anesthesiologist to come and talk to me. I was there for about a half an hour, and then the nurse from the room came and got me. While I was waiting, I have several people come and talk to me that I work with, which was nice. Of course, I didn't recognize any of them, until they were at my bed, I'm blind as a bat without my glasses or contacts.
Finally it was time to take the ride to the room. It is very interesting being on the other side of what goes on in the OR. I see it everyday, but it's very different being on the receiving end. I get into the room, and they get the OR table ready, and I move myself onto the table. Those things are pretty skinny, let me tell you! They get me situated on the bed, and Dave, my anesthetist, started to give me some drugs to make me fall alseep. The first one, I didn't feel to much, but when the second one kicked it, I was feeling very light headed and woozy. Then they gave me some propofol, and that shit was insane! Within 30 seconds, every sounds had a tinny echo effect with it. I felt like my ears were full of cotton balls. Then the room started to get all wavy on me. Not spinning, but there was some definite motion going on. They put that mask on me, told me to take some deep breaths, and I was gone.
The surgery lasted about 45 minutes, the doctor did find a tear way in the back of my meniscus. The doctor took a rasper, which is kind of like a zester, if you know your cooking utensil, and scraped some of the tissue away. I also had a bone spur there that he cut out. I've been told that I was saying some weird stuff while they were bringing me out from being asleep, but I don't remember anything. I hope I didn't tell anyone I loved them!! :-)
It took me about 30 minutes to fully wake up back in the post operative care unit. Doctor came in and talked to me a bit, wanting to know if I could lift my wave with my foot, he wants me to do that several times a day, to prevent a blood clot. Then I was back to my room, and waiting for a brace. I have a really cool one, that I have to wear for 6 weeks, see!

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By the time I got home, it was close to 4:30! I sat down and had some crackers and a yogurt, I was so freaking hungry!
I didn't really feel any pain last night, but this morning when I woke up, wow. I have taken a loratab, but it really hasn't put a dent in the pain, so I think it is time for another one, and a nice nap!
Later gators!
Oh, how could I forget! Eric called me this morning to see how I was doing! How awesome is that! I wouldn't mind telling him that I love him!!