Winter Chill...
Non-descript today2
(2006-04-03, 11:25 p.m.)
Damn it! I knew I should have stayed with Florida! Oh's only 10 bucks I've lost.

I had my first physical therapy session this morning. I have 6 exercises that I have to do, three times a day! Plus, when I go back to the place, they are going to get me on the bike, and total gym at some point! The good news, I have really great muscles in my quad and calf, so it shouldn't be to difficult to get my knee back in shape!

I got a very sad phone call today from Sue, my neighbor and semi co-worker. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but there is a girl, Christie, who works on the midnight shift in my old department. Her mom had a knee replacement about 2-3 weeks ago. Last Wednesday, Christie went to change to bandage, and her knee was swollen and purple. They went into the hospital, (which isn't the one I work at) and after doing some tests, told her that is wasn't a blood clot, it was just an infection. She got some antibiotics and went on her way home. Friday night, her mom started coughing, and no matter how much cough medicine she took, it wouldn't go away. Christie worked last night, and when she got home this morning, she found her mom dead.
Sue had talked to some nurses today, and after hearing what she told them, they said that when Christie's mom started coughing, that was the blood clot moving through her lungs, and it was just a matter of time before it hit her heart.
I realize that you don't know Christie, but could you say a little prayer for her, to whomever it is you pray to. Her mom was her life, she lived with her, and helped take care of her.

It appears as though Salem has stolen my chair, so I think I will grab my icepack and head to bed!

Oh yeah...I'm getting my hair cut friday...I'm looking for some pics of long hair. It's currently down to the middle of my back, and I have lots of natural wave. I want to keep the length as much as possible...any ideas would be great!
Good Night!