Winter Chill...
An evening with the family
(2006-04-05, 9:38 p.m.)
You know that I love my niece and nephew like there's no tomorrow. I went over to Bro's house tonight, to help him with bathtime. We got Turk taken care of, no problem, he's three months old. Baby Girl was a whole different story. She told Bro that she wanted to take a shower, so he gets her in there, turns the water on, and tells her to hop in the shower. She says no. Back and forth a couple of times, then he turns the shower off, and tells her she's taking a bath since she's played around. She starts crying, telling him that she will take a shower. Long story short, Baby Girl got a spanking for not listening to daddy.
It broke my heart to hear her crying. Of course, Bro doesn't make it easy. If things do go his way the first time, he gets uptight and turns into an asshole. Which happened tonight. While he was trying to get her to take the shower, I had feed and put Turk to sleep, but he was still in my arms. I got up and walked into the bedroom and laid him in his crib, and walked into the bathroom. Baby Girl was sitting on the toilet, she said she had to go potty.
I told her I was sad that she wasn't listening to daddy, and then she starts crying again, saying that daddy doesn't like her. If she was my daughter, and I heard her say that, that would rip my heart out. I explained to her that daddy loves her, but when she doesn't behave and do what daddy asks, it upsets him. Daddy doesn't like to spank her, but she's not in charge, she has to listen to daddy. While I'm telling her this, we're getting clean and washing her hair. Of course, I get some soap in her eyes, and she starts crying about that, Bro comes in and wants to help, but we got it out quickly.
Finally we're done, and she gets wrapped up in her bunny towel and goes into the living room, and tells daddy she's sorry for not listening to him. He apologized for spanking her, and he tells her again, that she needs to do what he tells her to do. They kiss and make up, but she doesn't want him to put her jammies on, I get to do that, and brush her hair.
I seriously hope that she doesn't think he doesn't like and love her. I also hope that she doesn't remember episodes like this. Ask me if I can remember something from when I was 3.5 and I can say no. She is a smart little girl and can remember when Lu scratched her 8 months ago.
On the plus side, she asked if she could have a sleep over at my house. Which I would love to have her stay over some night! So I told Bro, this Friday would be great! He was going to talk with SIL and see what she said. Even if it doesn't happen this weekend, at least I know she wants to hang with Anti Sara!
Physical therapy was grueling today. I was doing these leg lift thingys and it was just killing the knee so my therapist said to back off. She thinks I might be off for a bit longer, because of what the doctor did. Break my heart, more time off.
With that, I'm off to do my exercises and hit the sack!