Winter Chill...
Shitty day
(2006-04-12, 6:41 p.m.)
I went to the doctor's office today. Things are good, and he said I could go back to a day-time desk job, for 6 freaking weeks!?!?!?
How shitty is that? I have restrictions, but I'm good enough to do some special project in the purchasing department. I can't work at the tile shop, because if I don't get my full 40 hrs at the hospital, they can supplement what I'm missing with my short term disability. If I'm working some place else, they take away my short term. So no tile shop until the middle of May! I'm stuck working a shift I hate, with people I hardly know...I'm hoping I can use my iPod while I'm there.
I have my pics from my scope, I've got to find someone who has a scanner so I can post them. They're pretty cool. He told me that I had quite a bit of arthritis in my knee, he's seen 70 year old with less arthritis than me. Thanks, that's reassuring. He gave me some exercises to do to prevent it from getting worse. So being the hateful bitch that I am...when I go see the doc in May, I'm going to mention the right knee grinding and see if he will do a scope on that sometime in June/July to get a couple weeks off that I'm missing this time. MWAAHHAAAHHAA!!
Well...for all my bitching, there are a couple of good things. I can actually get some to work on my afghan, and quilt. Then on the Wednesdays that Bro has to be home alone with the children, I can go over and help.
That about covers the good side of this.
I guess that covers everything for the day. It's time to get in the jammies and get ready for a great day tomorrow at work! Do you hear the sarcasm?