Winter Chill...
Butt Crack of Dawn
(2006-04-29, 9:53 p.m.)
What a glorious day! I was up at the butt crack of dawn, cleaning the house! It doesn't matter that I was in bed last night just after 10 and got a great night of sleep! Oh, but even before that...I had gone to Jimmie Johns to get dinner last night, but they were waiting for their french bread to be done baking. So I wandered over the K-Mart to get some stuff. I was walking down the chip isle, and holy cow, I saw a bag of Doritos Salsa Verde chips!!! Those are the best Doritos ever! I used to get a small bag in the morning, and eat it durning my accounting class. I'm not sure why Frito-Lay stopped making them, or if stores here just quit carrying them. So of course, I had to buy the only bag that was there!
Anyway, back to today. After cleaning the house, I had to go to Wally World to get some groceries. Of course, I looked to see if they had the Salsa Verde chips, and they didn't!
Damn it!
I have a couple more places to check out, so hopefully I can get some more. Or I could just talk to Chris, since he works for Frito-Lay, about getting me some Salsa Verde chips!
I had to get cat food today, so I went to my normal place. They also have flowers there, so I got a handful of sunflower seeds, to plant behind my house.
I went to mom and dad's house after getting my cat food, mom and I were going to go test drive a car today!! My dad is selling his Corvette, and the guy who's lot dad has it at, told them about a car he had come in for me. It's a 1994 Buick Park Avenue, but it's got 129,000 miles on it. But it's got the 3800 engine in it, which is one of the best engines GM ever produced. That's the engine I have in my car right now. My engine is great, it's just the body that going to shit. As far as the Buick, there are a few rust spots under the passager door, and some paint missing on the hood, but other than that, it's looks great. We took it for a test drive, and boy, does it ride nice. Oh yeah, and the heater works!!!!
There was also a 1997 Buick LeSabre, with less miles, but the heater wasn't working. As I explained to mom, I would rather get this car, even with the high miles, than have a car payment right now.
This goes to show how anal I am...I figured out that I've put 71 thousand miles on my car, and I've had it for 8 years. That means I've put roughly 8900 miles a year on it. If I can get 4-5 out of this car, my house will be paid off in 5, then I can afford to get a newer and better car. Even thought mom originally thought I would be better off getting a car with lower miles, so said that this idea was better. So I'm going to talk to dad some more about it tomorrow.
Wow..I'm really tired.
When I finally made it home this afternoon, I started working in the yard. I really needed to whack my weeds, especially around my garden.
So whacking I did.
I also had to pull up the grass behind my house to plant my sunflowers. That was a joy, especially with being unable to bend my knee. So my back, shoulders, and arms are sore right now. It's a good sore, so that's okay in my book.
When I finished with that, I came in to watch the Tigers play baseball. What a game! They won, 18-1! They are playing again tomorrow too! They are looking good so far this year, let's hope they can keep it up.
Kirby's ear is doing better. I still have to drain it, but I don't get as much out of it. I know it's still hurts him though, I was petting him tonight, and touched it, and he gave a sad meow. Of course, he got just a bit more cat nip!
So with that...I'm off to do something...possibly go to bed!!