Winter Chill...
Good day and bad day....
(2006-06-04, 7:38 p.m.)
Today was a good day, and a bad day. I will tell you about the good first. Bro called this morning and left me a voice mail, wanting to know if I would still watch Baby Girl today.
Um....hello, that's a no-brainer.
That's all she would talk about last night and this morning, spending the day with Anti Sara. I went and picked her about around 10, and we headed to the tile shop to feed and water Macy. Since it has been a long time since BG was here, I had no food to feed her lunch with, so off to the grocery store we went. Bread, bagels, Spaghettio's, juice boxes, peanut butter and jelly later, we were going to my house. The cats didn't freak her out to much, but Lu was all over her, sniffing and wanting to be petted. I had forgotten aluminum foil, so we went to the dollar store, and while we were there, we found a set of plastic golf clubs. Of course, she got them. This afternoon after lunch, we played with sidewalk chalk, planted some more flowers, and then took a nap. I cleared out my bedroom of the cats, and she slept in there for an hour and a half. And yes, I got a little nap in myself. Milk and Oreo cookies were comsumed after naptime, and then she wanted to go see Storm. Storm happens to be the child of my cousin who is in State for a visit. And what a time they had together. Giggles, screams, tickles, playing hide and seek, then tag, or blowing bubbles, they had a blast. I'm sure both of them will sleep good tonight.
On the way home, I called Bro to see about dinner for BG. He told me it was fine to stop and get some Mickey D's for her, but she was having none of it. She started crying and having a fit, she wanted Daddy do get her dinner and take her inside to play. Well, trying to reason with a 3.5 year old is not easy. Needless to say, I got her her dinner, and she wasn't happy with me. Her exact words were, "You ruined the day." Of course, there were big tears accompaning her words, so I felt like a complete ass. By the time I got her home, she was okay. One or two tears for Bro and SIL's benefit, trying to get their sympathy, but it didn't work. All in all a great day spent with the cutest bug in a rug!!

Now on with the sad part of the day....

Mom and dad have a cat, Oreo, she's a black and white tuxedo cat. About a month ago, mom noticed that Oreo was getting thinner. Thinking she had a tape worm, they got some meds from the vet, and gave it to her. Within a couple of weeks, she should have started putting the weight back on. But she didn't. Mom knew something was up, and it's not like their finaces can afford a huge vet bill right now, so she wanted to have her put down. Which I understand, but it wouldn't have been much to just run a blood test on her, to figure out what was going on. So last Tuesday, dad took her to the vet, took the blood, and said they would get back to them the next day. The vet guessed that maybe her thyroid was messed up, or she had diabetes. The test came back negative for those, but her potassium was elevated, and her sodium was low. The vet thought maybe it's something hormonal, and he thought some shot might do the trick. Mom took her in wednesday afternoon for the shot, and it seemed to help a bit for the first couple of days. I was talking to mom this morning and she said the Oreo was not good, and mom didn't think she would make it to tomorrow. Oreo died this afternoon. And you all know how I am about cats. So I've been a basket case since mom told me. She was such a good cat. If you were sitting in a chair, she would come up behind you and hop up onto the arm rest, and sit there and watch you. She had a quiet meow, and would just meow once when she wanted something. I asked mom what they were going to do with her, they could take her to the vet, and they would take care of her, and mom said she really didn't want to to that. I told her to take her to the vet and I would pay the bill, and she got all offended by that. Well you sure a shit can't just put her in the trash. I know it's just her body, her soul is in a better place, but it's just not respectful to do that, in my eyes.
^..^ Good bye Oreo....I'm going to miss you....^..^