Winter Chill...
Annoyance #1
(2006-06-07, 7:51 a.m.)
A while ago I said I was going to start a list of things that annoy me. Here is #1 on my list....
It drives me nuts when the elevator opens, and there is someone waiting to get on, and they are practically in the doorway, and you are trying to get off, and they just stand there in the way. Okay, listen jackass, you are the only one standing here to get on the elevator, let us get off and then you can get on. I would think that it would be common courtesy to get the hell out of the way so we could get off. Then the get annoyed when people take to long to get off the elevator, because you won't get out of the way!!
Okay, I feel better now...
I've been watching the Eagle Eye Cam everyday now, and it is so cool! Monday night when I got home, I turned it on, and it was getting dark. Suddenly, the eaglets start chirping, and in swoops Dad, with dinner! It was some furry creature, and Dad started to tear into, the eaglets would barely let him finish before they were grabbing it out of his beak. I have it on right now, and one of them had his wing draped over the other one, like he was protecting the other one. I don't know if it is a boy or girl, work with me here!
I should be off to get ready for work...I have a fairly busy week ahead of me now!